»With the Baker’s Butchery concept, we have already anticipated the future of nutrition for a growing global population. It couples the utilisation of food waste with the development of alternative sources of protein. Thanks to the close geographical interconnection of two material cycles, it is possible to achieve synergy effects and reduce environmental pollution.«
Andreas Detzel

Three questions for the designer Lukas Keller
Can you remember the moment when you first had the idea for Baker’s Butchery?
The first ideas about finding bridging points to other segments of the food industry and for incorporating possible future food consumption practices came after a visit to a baking plant. In parallel to my research into insect breeding, I worked on ways of converting overproduced baked goods into new products. Ultimately, it was a logical step to combine the chips with the mealworms.
What was your personal highlight in the development process for Baker’s Butchery? Was there a low point?
A high point was certainly the first reactions to the idea. Despite their dislike of mealworms, many people have been enthusiastic about the production and the concept as a whole. Eventually, most of them developed a curiosity and were interested in trying the insects for themselves.
Where do you see yourself and your project in the next five years?
In the next five years, I hope to find a bakery that is excited about a prototype implementation of the concept. However, the consumption of insects must first become established as a serious alternative, at least for a part of the population. Here, the project can and should have a positive influence and it should promote the benefits of eating insects.